Commissioned and Premiered by the Minneapolis Madrigal Singers, Alexander Burns Rack, Director
-Preview Score I. Nam languens amore tuo consurrexi diluculo perrexi– que pedes nuda per niues et per frigora atque maria rimabar mesta, si forte uentiuola uela cernerem, aut frontem nauis conspicerem. Languishing for love of you I arose at dawn and made my way bare-footed across the snows and cold, and searched the desolate seas to see if I could find sails flying in the wind, or catch sight of the prow of a ship. II. Cum polo Phoebus roseis quadrigis Lucen spargere ceperit, Pallet albentes hebetata uultus Flammis stella prementibus Nubibus atris Condita nullum Fundere possunt Sidera lumen. Si mare uoluens Turbidus Auster Si quantas rapidis flatibus incitus Pontus Uersat harenas Aut quot stelliferis edita noctibus Celo sidera fulgent When Apollo in his rosy chariot begins to scatter light in the sky, the stars, their faces fading and dim in the overpowering flames grow pale Stars hidden by dark clouds can shed no light. If the stormy south wind should stir the rolling sea If as many sands as the sea roils when swift gusts may have been stirred or as many stars as shine high in the heavens on starry nights Comments are closed.